Saturday 23 April 2011

A Personal Mythology.

A new mythology is taking its first faltering steps inside my head. I’m not listening to anybody else’s any more; I’m creating my own.

So far it has priestesses whose symbol is the apple blossom, only in my version it’s called Jenny Blossom or the Wren Flower. Pretty, you must admit. (Jenny is a priestess of my acquaintance. She’s putting me through the mangle of uncertainty at the moment. I love it and I love her. I don’t love many people.) The god realm is called Annie’s Land after my favourite goddess – the only one who’s ever graced me with her presence. (respects, madam.) And the way to access realms beyond the mundane is through the subtle energy of stillness. The means of doing so can be learned from birdsong, once you know their language.

That’s it so far. It will grow as long as nobody in authority scoops me up and takes me off to an asylum.

“I didn’t see nothin’. I don’t want to go an asylum.”

I was going to make a post about Easter, but it seemed suddenly insignificant after I’d spent half an hour floating in the sublime sweetness of my garden at twilight. I daresay I’ll be all left brained and serious in the morning, and will probably make the post. Being sane feels normal until you move beyond it and smell the scent of something better.

Where is everybody, by the way? Have I said something offensive, something about the sanctity of life perhaps? That seems to offend a lot of people these days. Life isn’t about life now; it’s about convenience. Not in my new mythology, it isn’t.


Zz... said...

it's easter! everybody is busy tending family and chocolates :)

but you can count on me...I'm tending my blog ;)...and garden :)

go write that easter post -you can bet I'll be reading it!

andrea kiss said...

I haven't been online very much recently due to being exhausted and having a shite internet connection.

JJ said...

Wouldn't recommend you read my Easter post, Zhen. Your ears might get scalded from all the steam. And I like you too much to have that happen.

No probs, Andrea. You and your baby are what matter at the moment. It was a throaway question anyway.