Wednesday 10 November 2010

Ten Reasons to Hate Weddings.

1) You have to get up indecently early so as to look ‘well turned out.’
2) You have to suffer the sight of the groom’s entourage wearing clothes they don’t look comfortable in, and which can only be described as ‘Jane Austen meets A Thrift Store on Wall Street.’ Any amusement you might have initially managed to invoke at such wanton incongruity soon wears off.
3) You further have to suffer the sight of women wearing the sort of hats, dresses and hairstyles that, far from making them look attractive as they apparently believe, actually make them look like something from a third rate freak show. And you can’t even summon any initial amusement at that one, because the spectacle of such a hideous assault on nature is simply too disturbing.
4) If it’s a church wedding, you have to listen to ministers spouting the sort of distinctly dubious dogma that defies the ability to suspend disbelief. Walt Disney really has nothing on those guys.
5) At the reception, you have to sit in a room listening to people who are not practiced in the art of articulation, and don’t even profess to be, making speeches that are at best tedious, while the assembled multitude dutifully laughs at statements that are about as funny as an ageing dog with flatulence.
6) When that torture is mercifully over you have to take your place at a table with a bunch of perfect strangers who feel it their obligation to make forced conversation, while surly, and presumably underpaid, serving staff ply you with food that is not of your choice and rarely better than bland.
7) There follows a period of extreme boredom while waiting for the evening ‘festivities’ to begin. By this point, your very essence is boiling with the need to howl a primal scream and then either go home to regain your sanity or be taken off to an institution in a green van.
8) Having screwed your courage to the sticking place and avoided succumbing to the finer instincts outlined above, you make your way with a deepening sense of dread to where the aforesaid ‘festivities’ will subject you to further abuse. This usually takes the form of a style of music chosen by the bride and groom, and is aimed at pleasing a section of the populace that might as well have been flown in from Betelgeuse for all the musical taste you have in common with them.
9) If you’re lucky enough to locate somebody with whom you can have an acceptable conversation and salvage at least some scrap of value from this essentially torturous and pointless exercise, you can’t do so because the ‘music’ won’t allow it. Instead, you’re forced to concentrate on avoiding a catastrophic personal implosion, courtesy of the extreme vibrational assault on your feet and eardrums.
10) You’ve developed serious suspicions regarding the reasons why most people feel the need to get married in the first place, and this makes the nightmare that was the day even more mystifying.
Maybe I’ve just been to the wrong sort of weddings.


Zz... said...

LOL that is hilarious...everybody I know loves weddings ESP the doll show...I hate all the pretence! but maybe it is also the shallowness and social niceties that must take place...also i hate being stared at...probably cos i look so awkward and uncomfortably out of place that i stand out.

I have only really enjoyed a minority of weddings usually the really small homespun ones...I hate the ones that employ stages and microphones...

JJ said...

Greetings Zhen. Most people I've known have loved weddings, too. I think most people tend to like what convention says they're supposed to like. And it's in the nature of posts like this to consciously employ hyperbole, but there's a grain of truth there, I think. I know at least one other person who agrees with me and also avoids weddings. The small, homespun ones are fine. I'm not entirely anti-togetherness. It's the plasticity I so dislike. 'Doll show' is a good term.

Carmen said...

do you even KNOW the bride and groom?

Carmen said...

by the way i really like this new layout of your blog:)

JJ said...

Nice to see you back, Carms. Sorry I missed these comments. Google didn't notify me like it's supposed to.

Occasionally you don't even LIKE the bride and groom. Or one of them is some distant relative you haven't seen for years, and you're just going because your mother wants you to, or something. What a waste of a day.