Sunday 28 November 2010

Sexy Bones.

Before I head off, though, I forgot to say:

I watched Tim Burton’s Corpse Bride tonight. What a super little film. Never seen it before. Wasn’t the corpse bloody sexy?! She knocked spots off the cutesy Victoria. No wonder she turned into butterflies at the end. Far too good for a mere human.


andrea kiss said...

You should watch the making of The Corpse Bride. It amazed me.

JJ said...

And where would I find that? I particularly liked the maggot.

andrea kiss said...

Maybe online? Search YouTube. I'll see if i can find something for you. I have the movie on DVD and its on there as a bonus feature.

My word verification is actually a word. Its scull. Well, a misspelled word... but it fits in with the topic of The Corpse Bride!

Maria Sondule said...

Corpse bride amazed me because of it's artistic design. And yes, Emily was much better than Victoria. I hope I look that good when I'm dead...

JJ said...

Ah, there's a coincidence. The fact that she was called Emily passed me by. Which is odd because I've always felt a strong resonance with that name. Don't know why, but it's always been special to me. And do you know what? (This is the coincidence.) At about this time last year I developed such an obsession with Emily Bronte that I literally had the urge to go to Haworth and dig her up - just to look at her bones! It was that bad. That's never happened to me before. Gosh!

Maria Sondule said...

Emily is such a pretty name, right? I didn't used to think so, but now I like it. It has that charm without being more beautiful than the person herself.
If you do dig up someone, be sure to blog from jail! ;D

JJ said...

Emily is a very pretty name. Ms Bronte is quite safe, though. She's under the concrete floor in Haworth church. If I wanted to be her Heathcliff, I'd need a pneumatic drill.