Sunday 7 November 2010

Another Addendum.

There are two things I’d like to add to the last post. The first is that my life isn’t quite as bleak as that post might have made it sound. I’m perfectly capable of having fun. It’s just that I tend to do it in a disinterested sort of way. And being disconnected from the world feels right and natural to me, even though it has the occasional difficult consequence like feeling lonely now and then. That’s just my human weakness showing up.

The second is more difficult to explain. I was watching all those couples with their children tonight, and was reminded again that I don’t understand the appeal of pairing up for life. It doesn’t seem natural to me; there’s something squeaky and unwholesome about it – artificial, even. I can understand pairing up into exclusive relationships for as long as the excitement lasts, but carrying on beyond that point seems like masochism dressed up as convention.

Maybe there’s something lacking in my understanding of the rules of the game, but I can’t help feeling we should climb down off the fence. We should either go back to being animals and engage in a healthy rut, or we should go forward and become celibate.

Ah, you may say, but then the human race would die out. So what? It seems to me that we need to decide whether we’re animals or gods, instead of trying to compromise and pretend everything’s OK. And if we chose to go forward and realise our potential as gods, there’d be no need to take human form any more.

Or maybe I’m just jumping the gun.


Gorilla Bananas said...

It's not all about rutting in the animal kingdom. We silverbacks have long-term relationships...with a harem rather than one female, but the principle is the same. Mother Superior jumped the gun.

JJ said...

Bet you sometimes have to fight off rivals, though.