Sunday 21 November 2010

The Saga Continues.

Having had the syrupy stuff about William and his girlfriend all week, now some American news channel has raised a spectre of much greater import. When Charles becomes king, will his wife have the status of Princess Consort or Queen Consort? Gripping stuff, eh? I was tempted to wonder at that point whether the British royal family means more to Americans than it does to us. It seems not, because the next thing to appear was the result of a British opinion poll which suggested that the majority of Brits would prefer to have William as the next king, not Charles. Do people really care enough to have an opinion on such things?
It has been suggested, possibly correctly, that all this preoccupation with the royals is being carefully stage managed to take the minds of the British plebeians off the impending privations caused by the cuts in public expenditure. It’s just another old trick that we learned from the Romans. Their circus was vigorously maintained for the same reason. I suppose we should be grateful that we’re not feeding Christians to ravenous lions. Then again...

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