Monday 29 November 2010


OK, OK, I know I’m overdoing the Ephrata thing, but it’s such a good name. Every time I see it I think ‘My word, that’s a good name isn’t it,’ and rhymes just jump into my head before I can say ‘Go away, you’re becoming tedious.’ This one jumped about in my ear tonight for only a few seconds and demanded to be given voice. It’s even got a name. It’s called ‘Poetic Justice,’ which isn’t exactly original I know, but I haven’t had a drink yet.

There once was a girl from Ephrata
Who liked slices of fried alligator.
One day by a bog
She got lost in the fog
So a dragon came right up and ate her.

Whoa! How you are moving my creative juices Miss, Mrs or Ms Ephrata. Can I stand much more?


Zz... said...

I'm getting jealous of Ms Ephrata now...her rhymes or limericks are more fun than mine. or maybe mine got old...I demand a new one!LOL

JJ said...

For you, Zhen...

Working on it.