Monday, 11 May 2015

Running in Tandem.

I’m getting closer to the view that engaging in disputatious correspondence on YouTube is more fun than blogging. Having been asked for my address so that somebody can come and stab me, I’ve now been advised to watch out for the snakes in my bed. (What he actually said was ‘watch out for the snakes it your bed,’ but who’s counting the typos?) And all because I suggested that a Country & Western song written by a Texan that just happens to be about meeting a girl in Galway is hardly qualified to be called ‘Irish music.’ If he’d met her in, say, the Valley of the Kings, would you call it Egyptian music? No go; seems I’m still destined for cobras on the counterpane. Ah, well. It was fun writing my reply.

I expect I’ll continue to do both, keeping the blog for the serious and the silly, and using YouTube for forays into deep and meaningful engagement with my fellow humans. We all need that, don’t we?

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