Saturday, 2 May 2015

On Being Miffed in May.

It doesn’t seem right that I should be sitting in my office wearing four layers of clothing. It doesn’t seem right because it’s incongruous.

It’s cold here, you see – by May standards, that is. Cold weather belongs to that time of year when the days are short, when you’re closing the curtains at 4.30 and building up the fire. It doesn’t belong to the time of year when there’s still plenty of daylight left at 9 o’clock. It runs counter to the natural order, and I do so like things that follow the natural order naturally.

(I’m too poor – or mean – to turn up the heating in my office. And I’m more or less out of coal until next November. And I’m only making this rash of pointless posts because I’ve run out of Miss Marple DVDs to watch on the computer. I could watch the snooker on the TV, but it’s too damn cold in the living room without a fire. Shame, eh?)

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