Saturday, 13 April 2013

The Origin of Speculation.

I see the anthropologists have discovered a two million-year-old homonid which looked human but had feet like a chimpanzee, and they’re speculating that it might be the elusive missing link.

So, I have a question (and it’s an honest question posed genuinely out of a position of ignorance.) Would I be right in thinking that nobody has yet proved that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor? Isn’t it still just a theory which has been around so long and gained such currency as a result of unfashionable Creationist objection that everybody accepts it as established fact?

Well, I knew somebody once who had feet like a human but looked like a chimpanzee, so I’m going to speculate that maybe there are two strands of evolution running in parallel. I think I should be even more famous than I already am.

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