Saturday, 13 April 2013

Respecting the Lower Life Forms.

I have a problem with gardening, you know. I’m not ruthless enough; I have too much respect for the sanctity of life, even at the lower levels. It’s why I dislike digging. Digging always involves cutting a few earthworms in half, and I dislike that, even though I know they survive and regenerate.

Where I really have a problem, though, is when I see people making bonfires with garden trimmings. Garden trimmings are full of insects, especially in the autumn when things like ladybirds are settling among the decaying summer growth to hibernate. So when I see such a bonfire, my first thought is for the thousands of insects which are being burned alive. It’s why all my garden trimmings go for compost, and it’s yet another example of how being a bit out of the groove can cause you problems.

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