Monday, 29 April 2013

Perennial Victims.

Actually, it wasn’t entirely a dull day. I saw something a little odd in the field at the side of my house this afternoon.

There was a wild rabbit standing rigid, and creeping up on it was what appeared to be a cat. Only it seemed rather bigger than a domestic moggie, and it ducked when a jackdaw flew overhead. It was an unusual colour, too – a pale shade of grey that I’ve never seen in a domestic cat. I went off to fetch my binoculars, but when I returned, the rabbit was still there but the cat had gone.

And then I saw a damn great buzzard on the school playing field, which is where the rabbits are much given to frolicking. That’s bad news for rabbits, especially if they’ve got babies. I think that being a rabbit must be one of life’s riskier occupations.

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