Monday, 8 April 2013

(One of) My Problem(s) with Women.

I think I might have offended two women this week. It’s always been an involuntary habit of mine. I say something that seems perfectly reasonable to me – sometimes it’s even meant to be complimentary – and the next thing you know, I’m either getting yelled at or not spoken to for a week.

I gather Barack had the same problem a few days ago, so at least I’m in good company. Mind you, his offence was far worse than mine. He was guilty of seeing a woman DA as a woman DA, rather as merely a DA. Point taken, I suppose.

And yet, do you know what? The only woman who ever slapped my face was my mother. I was sixteen and it was a real bolt out of the blue, I can tell you. Vice-captain of the school rugby team and you get your face slapped by your mother. It was almost surreal.

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