Thursday 9 September 2010


Do you know what I find difficult about blogging? People are generous with their time. They read what I have to say, and sometimes they go to the trouble of commenting. I’m not sure why they do it, but I find it quite moving. Maybe I listened to The Ugly Duckling too much when I was a kid. Believe me, I really took that song to heart!

Anyway, the fact is it puts onto my shoulders something I can’t find the right word for (not even when I stoop to ending a sentence on a preposition!) It certainly isn’t a burden, and I wouldn’t say it’s as strong as a responsibility, but it’s edging in that direction. So when I have a day like today, when several other burdens are tugging my spirits in the wrong direction, I feel that I’m being in some way neglectful. Neglectful of what, you might ask. No idea.

But then, you wouldn’t want me to say something just for the sake of saying something, would you? No. Right then, I’ll just say something I mean.

Thank you for reading. I appreciate it.

And you might want to hear how Deva Premal says ‘thank you’ here. It’s really cute, and she radiates a rare inner beauty. Pity about the bloke. Somebody said he looks like me! No, he doesn’t. Only certain bits. His guitar’s bigger than mine.

‘Silence is the biggest gift.’


lucy said...

Thank you for blogging.


Carmen said...

Amen to what Lucy said.
You know, about you 'being responsible about putting your thoughts out' thing, I;m not sure if I misinterpreted your situation, but I really think that as a citizen of planet Earth, it is also our responsibility to contribute our thoughts, opinions and experiences to the global community.

JJ said...

Big subject. I'm not convinced that honest dialogue, and even good deeds, actually make any real difference in the long run. It seems that when an iniquity is removed, it either resurfaces in a different form or somewhere else, or it gets replaced by a different one.

I'm not saying we shouldn't have dialogue or do good deeds, but I wonder whther the benefit is primarily to the individual, and makes little difference to the general condition.

pnorthluskin said...

Thank YOU. Took a hiatus because of back to teaching duties and am enjoying catching up on your musings on this beautiful day.

JJ said...

How nice to see you again, Paige. We had a pleasant, early autumn day here too. The weather forecast was wrong. Doubt it was as warm as Maryland, though. I suppose you'll be getting those clasic New England colours soon.

You continue to pay me too high a compliment. I'd be happy to have your greater eloquence.

JJ said...

Edited to add nearly ten years later:

Such shame! Such ignorance! I do now know that Maryland is not in New England. Currently in the grip of mortification.