Saturday 18 September 2010

More Nonsense.

I didn’t lighten up after lunch. Well, I did, but then things went downhill at rate of knots. The only way I could expand on the problem would be to mutter cryptically about immolation by the breath of a five toed dragon moving south and losing its toes. You wouldn’t understand, and it wouldn’t be edifying. I think I’ve spilled enough entrails in cryptic mutterings for one week. Time to pull myself back into shape. Snakes and ladders can be a most debilitating game.

Oh dear, there I go being cryptic again. Sorry. The greatest of all my weaknesses has become a maelstrom, and that’s the best excuse I can offer. It’s nothing sordid, by the way, just in case you were wondering.

On a sillier note, Google Stats tells me I had eighteen visits from Burundi between 10 and 11 pm tonight. Not very likely, is it? I think Google’s got its cables crossed again.

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