Friday 24 September 2010

Killing Time.

Whoever would think that a visit to the dentist could provide blogging material? Well, I went to the dentist today, and they were running very late so I had time to kill.

I went to the loo at one point. Behind the wash basin was a large sign that said:
And each word was accompanied by an explanatory picture. Are we getting a bit into information overkill here?
But then I read an article in a magazine, written by a woman whose hobby it is dress up as Queen Elizabeth I and give talks to groups about Elizabethan England. She gave one talk to a class of young children. She asked them ‘What would you become if you married me?’ One nine-year-old boy put his hand up and said:


Carmen said...

haha Jeff, I actually don't think those signs are sufficient. I mean despite them, people still seem to under estimate the importance of washing their hands after visiting the loo.

JJ said...

But how many people need to be told HOW to wash their hands? In detail. With pictures!

JJ said...
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Maria Sondule said...

this sign isn't the worst of it I'm afraid. Visit Apparently people need to be given very specific directions. :)

JJ said...

I'll give it a go. I assume it's funny.

Nuutj said...

Enjoyed the story of the class and the children. I laughed out.

JJ said...

Kids are so wonderfully direct, aren't they Mei-shan?