Monday 20 September 2010


It’s 3.15 am. I’ve just spent some time trying to write a poem with a little more substance than the usual tripe I trot out, but the final verse refused to settle. My Hotmail inbox remained empty, and the day seemed doomed to end on a note of failure.

And then my flag counter showed a visit from India. Day saved. Phew!



Anonymous said...

Ah, you could charm the tusks off a rampaging rhino, Jeff.

Maria Sondule said...

I can't seem to stay awake past 10 PM. Something that will change with time?

JJ said...

It isn't charm, Dominique, it's something I would call disarming candour. It's the child in me, and sometimes it causes me no end of problems. I'm actually meaning to put a short post up about this post.

Probably just the classic larks vs owls thing, Maria. I'm an owl. My ex is like you. She can go to bed at 9 o'clock. I, on the other hand, have to force myself to go to bed even at 3.15 because I'm still not sleepy.