Wednesday 29 September 2010


Somebody once asked me a question that I misunderstood:

‘Jeff, do you think you might be mildly bipolar?’

I hadn’t heard the word before. We kept the old term ‘manic depressive’ longer in Britain. (We’ve gone over to the Dark Side now. Damn Yankees!) Anyway, I thought she was questioning my sexual polarity, and giggled knowingly.

When I discovered what it meant, I thought about it. It is true that I can be a little prone to mood swings, but they’re rarely too serious. I giggle in one and growl in the other; that’s usually about it as far as the outside world is concerned. And I also admit that the swings often appear irrational, but I’m a bit odd in lots of ways.

So I’ve no idea whether I’m mildly bipolar, and since it isn’t that big an issue, why go to the trouble of putting a label on it and giving myself one more thing to be concerned about?


lucy said...

Honestly, I think everyone's a bit 'bipolar'. But yes, like you said, why put a term on it when it's not even serious for you? I have mood swings, like everyone else, but I don't think anyone would ever call me that. At least I hope not! lol

JJ said...

Don't believe you. You're perpetual sunshine, Lu. You are, aren't you? Tell me you are. I don't want to go to heaven with a headache.


Arthur Dent.