Tuesday 14 September 2010

The Digital Age.

I have a small digital clock in my bathroom. Like all digital clocks, it has function buttons – three of them in this case. Each button is labelled, but the labels don’t match the function. So twice a year when the clocks change, I have to start scratching my head and learning yet again how to do something really complicated like changing the hour by one.

Why did we develop digital clocks? What was wrong with simple ones, with simple, eminently functional little knobs that advanced or retired the time? In what way have they benefited the world? How have they improved life? Tell me.


lucy said...

Haha, how is that clock supposed to work? Was it always like that, right from the start? I can just imagine you scratching your head in the bathroom while trying to fix the clock, Jeff!

Personally, I like both digital and analog clocks. I like analog because, well, I just do! They're practical in most cases, but when you need an EXACT time- no guessing required- a digital clock would be more useful. It gives you the exact time at the EXACT moment you need it. Well, that's the case with me anyway, because I'm always wondering, is the minute hand closer to 33 or 34?

JJ said...

Yes, it was always like that. What's more, it's the least accurate clock in the house. I'm always looking at it and asking myself 'now, will it still be six minutes fast, or will it have reached seven by now?' I have the same problem with the 33/34 thing, but I'm trying to grow out of it.

Maria Sondule said...

I suppose digital clocks/watches are more precise. (but not necessarily correct) They are easier to read for some people, especially as opposed to normal watches, where the hands and numerals are very small.
Digital clocks also look more futuristic, if you want to think in a fashion sense. ;)
Have they really helped anyone? Hmmmm... they made the inventors rich I suppose.

JJ said...

I've always had a bit of a fascination with old grandfather clocks that go DONG every so often. There's something atmospheric about them. Never had one.