Monday 23 August 2010

Self Sacrifice.

I had another story accepted for publication today. The editor says it’s ‘full of symbolism.’ Is it really? Well, I never.

What’s interesting about this one is that it needed to start with a dream sequence, and I couldn’t for the life of me write it sober. So I decided to have a couple of large scotches and try again. It worked.

The lengths we go to for our art. What a martyr.


Shayna said...

♪♫ ♪ ♫ Congratulations Dear Jeff ♪ ♫ ♪ ♫ ♪

JJ said...

You're doing that notey thing again! I blame all that hot Arabian blood. Shameless!

Maria Sondule said...

Wow that's so cool! I've only ever gotten two things published (and an additional poem in honorable mention, but it doesn't count). Good job! (clap clap clap)
Are you writing a novel as well?

JJ said...

Greetings, Maria. You're becoming quite a fixture. I think I'd better designate an armchair.

I wrote a novel last winter. It isn't likely to be published. Too unconventional, and the romance is way too subtle. Mystical orgasm, would you believe? My respect for women sometimes gets in the way.

When's your birthday? I'm thinking Jack Daniels.

Shayna said...

That's me, shameless musical hussy! (*twinkle & chitter*, hey, no, that's what rat's say. Speaking of which, my neighbor lady just told me she's seen rats in her basement. She said she hears them eating and saw maggots on them. The rat patrol came out today to do what they do. Is that like killing gophers? Hah! Oooh, not friendly toddling rats, for sure! Yours are way better.) Am I off topic? Here:♪♫ ♪ ♫

Nuutj said...

Congratulations. Great to know that. :)

JJ said...

Shay: Not quite the same as gophers if they're in the basement, I think. I'd say we have a right to draw lines. Whether they toddle or scurry depends partly on how you choose to see them. As for the maggots, does she have a secret stash of empty vodka bottles somewhere?

Mei-shan: Thanks. This particular publisher is a new one, but all the signs indicate theyre going to be a class outfit, so it's nice to be in there at the beginning.