Thursday 19 August 2010

Real Values.

Seems I don’t get comments any more. That’s OK. Why should it matter? Why should I care?

I met a friend’s 20-month-old daughter today. Her name is Hester. She’s beautiful. We got on.


Anonymous said...

Maybe your commenters are just luxuriating in your non-ditties and are hamstrung by not having anything witty to pip in with.

JJ said...

Now you're having me on, aren't you? That's OK. I asked for it.

Maria Sondule said...

Hester, as in Prynne? (I forget how to spell it but it sounds like a bad idea to me, like naming your kid Jezebel. It's a pretty name though)
Haha I have an excuse! I was away looking at places to further my education.

JJ said...

Ah, but Jezebel is greatly misunderstood, having been misrepresnted by the strongly mysoginistic stance of mainstream Judaic religions.

Did you find one?

Maria Sondule said...

Maybe. I haven't read the story of her yet. I know she jumps out of a tower at the end or something...
And I don't know. There's a post about it on my blog. :P

JJ said...

From what I've heard, she was a strong woman who challenged authority. How can we know? Better read your blog then. Tomorrow. Bed time now.