Monday 9 August 2010

Another Blog Lament.

I’ve got a new problem with blogging now. There are several people out there in blogland who I find really interesting. I want to meet them and talk to them. I want to look at their eyes and see whether they match the personas that come through from their words, their choice of images, the style of their blogs, and the nature of their comments. I want to see whether I can judge why they bother to read my blog. I’m never going to do any of these things, am I? That’s frustrating.

Moan over.


Mother Moon said...


JJ said...


Zoe said...

But so are you!

JJ said...

It's a survival tactic.

Shayna said...

"Where there's a will" ...

KMcCafferty said...

You never know!

JJ said...

Well, you two are definitely on the list, so...

All I need is the money for lots of air fares, and to pay somebody to come and feed my birds three times a day while I’m gone. Or I could charter a plane to fly around the world, picking everybody up and depositing them at East Midlands airport. Oh no, East Midlands doesn’t do long haul. I think I’d be best relying on the little people teaching me to fly. Or make friends with Peter Pan, or something.

Nuutj said...

IMO, there is a big possibility. My own sister, my nieces-in-law are studying in the UK.I may be able to meet you if I go to meet them.

Also, my hubby and I ever talked about visiting Scotland again in summer. :)

JJ said...

Right, good, Mei-shan. Let me know your itinerary if it happens.

pnorthluskin said...

I think far more improbable things have happened - and of course here I'm talking about little people teaching you to fly. ;)

JJ said...

Yes indeed, Paige. Politics is full of them! Haven't commented on your latest post yet because it's just too rich and thought-provoking.