Friday 27 August 2010

I Have a Little Peg Bag.

I was hanging some washing on the clothes line when Helen visited me recently. I had the peg bag tied around my waist. She looked at it and said ‘That peg bag’s a bit... er... isn’t it?’

OK, this bag was made by my wife in the days when I was young enough to have a wife. She made it for her own use, of course. It’s a lightweight denim material with a blue gingham panel stitched beneath the slit where the pegs make their entrances and exits. So yes, it is ‘a bit... er.’ Can’t deny it. But it’s practical. It does the job. What am I supposed to do, go out and spend money unnecessarily on a butch leather one with rhinestones?

This is a week for difficult admissions. First the slippers, and now this.

Leave me alone.

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