Thursday 12 August 2010

Eyes Again.

I’ve noticed several times that the blink of a woman’s eyes can project a surprising amount of sensual power. Not every woman can do it, of course. In fact, I’d say the skill is fairly rare. It’s largely in the speed. Too fast, and it’s just a practical blink. Too slow, and it looks clumsily contrived. But it also has to match the angle of the head and the general expression. I doubt it can be learned.

Sinead O’Connor can do it. She does it a few times in the video referred to in the last post.


Maria Sondule said...

Women are very sensual powerful beings, if I do say so myself. XD

JJ said...

I wouldn't dare argue with you there, Maria. Funny, but I was just about to put a comment on your blog to say that I don't understand how people see you as either apathetic or pessimistic. There aren't enough options on that poll.

I don't know what XD means.

Jfromtheblock said...

wow she is beautiful. I think it has something to do with long lashes, and a certain characteristic about the eyes that reveal hints of sadness inside. i've always loved that too. Why do you say she is very brave? does she have a story?

JJ said...

Don't know too much deatail, but I gather she was badly abused through spending her childhood in the clutches of the Catholic Church. She attacked the Church pretty soundly when she was older and had influence - and that can make you enemies in a Catholic country.

Maria Sondule said...

What other options should there be?
Sorry, XD is an emoticon of someone laughing.
Please excuse the teenager-ish computer-speak.

JJ said...

How about Extrovert/Introvert, Conventional/Unconventional, Broadminded/Narrowminded, Spiritual/Material, Free thinker/Follower, Intelligent/Dumb, Liberal/Conservative. They're the first few, off the top of my head.

I voted 'Realist,' BTW.

As far as I know, you ARE a teenager, so no problem. I'm flattered that you talk to me at all.