Monday 2 August 2010

The Flag Counter.

Did I say I don’t trust my Flag Counter?

Would somebody tell me, please, how many states of the US there are? The last I heard there were 48 contiguous plus Alaska and Hawaii = 50. Under the twenty eight US state flags listed in Flag Counter, it says ‘28 out of 51 collected.’ Has America gone and nicked some more territory somewhere and not told us about it? Is the Flag Counter company American, and labouring under the not unsurprising delusion that Great Britain is now a US state? Or has Great Britain actually become a US state, but there’s a conspiracy of silence to keep the Brits in the dark? That wouldn’t entirely surprise me.


Mother Moon said...

still 50 as far as I know yet they may be including DC. It is not a state yet it does have its own flag... that would give you the 51

JJ said...

Thank you, Mother Moon. As I'd always been told DC isn't a state, I never thought of that. I'm sure you're right.

(Gave me an excuse for having a little dig at 'Blair is Bush's poodle,' though, didn't it?)

That's history now, of course...