Friday 20 August 2010

More Respects to Mr Kipling.

Apologies for not making a post today. My mind has been on other things.

But Missy Silly Ditty Muse seems to be back, because she just blew a raspberry in my ear and threw this at me:

On the road to Mandalay
Where the cows don’t moo, they neigh.
And the tigers rest contented,
Eating candyfloss all day.

On the road to Mandalay
Where the local ladies say
‘Come you back you English tourist,
For we like how much you pay.’

On the road to Mandalay
Where pink elephants do play,
And the rest is mere conjecture
Now my hair is turning grey.

On the road to Mandalay
Where the night is bright as day,
And the dawn comes up like ketchup
’Cos there ain’t no other way.

Is this cabin fever?


Maria Sondule said...

haha I like the line about the English tourists.
The dawn comes like ketchup? I'd like to know what inspired that one...

JJ said...

Scotch. You're a cynic. Get your hair cut.

KMcCafferty said...

I enjoy this. It's seems very....carnivalesque. It also sounds a lot like my house...welcome inside to the pink elephants, neighing cows, and candy and treats galore!

JJ said...

Well now, McC, maybe that's because I see life as a carnival. More than ever these days.

Maria Sondule said...

? I'm missing something...

JJ said...

Sorry, Maria, sometimes my mind works in mysterious ways. Come over for coffee and I'll spare the twenty minutes it would take to explain.