Sunday, 31 July 2011

It Never Stops.

I went onto Google Book Search earlier and entered my name to see whether my two Lulu books have got there yet. They haven’t, but I did come across a letter I wrote to the British Journal of Photography in 1984. It reminded me again of how much I’ve spent my life hiding from my true nature.

Finally coming to terms with how you really feel about certain issues can be difficult, especially when those feelings run so contrary to received cultural norms. What’s even more difficult, however, is preventing them turning into definitive judgements. That’s the real test, and it’s a stern one. Life just won’t let me relax. Even now.


Della said...

I know it isn't your theme here, but a quick comment about Lulu before I forget. Your novel Odyssey does not have any statement of copyright anywhere which I don't think is right somehow. I'm aware that you're not looking for fame or fortune so maybe it's not so relevant for you, but I think it's a little cheap of the publisher to leave it out. Or did you request to leave it out? Don't mean to rant :)

JJ said...

Long story, Della. Short version:

Lulu don't insist on a copyright statement if the book is being sold solely through their site, only if the author wants it distributed through external channels such as Amazon. Frankly, I wasn't bothered about it being there, but I added it later in order to get wider distribution. The current edition has it.