Thursday, 7 July 2011

Hermione, All Grown Up.

I saw some kind of lifestyle magazine on the racks in the supermarket yesterday, and on the cover was a picture of the new-look Emma Watson (Hermione in the Harry Potter films.) I used to think that Emma Watson was growing into a highly attractive and appealing young woman, but the picture told a different story. She looked like a product of CGI technology – hard edged, plastic, unreal... It seems she’s doing glamour these days. What a shame.

But then, my intense dislike of glamour is well documented by now, and I doubt that Ms Watson lays very great store by my opinion.


Maria Sondule said...

I agree. There's still hope yet, though.

JJ said...

I'm just glad I never got involved with showbiz or the film industry. They seem to destroy a lot that is natural in people. Especially the Holywood end.