Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Life - a Thought at Bed Time.

'If the chance is there, we have to go for it. No more reasoning. No more fearing the consequences. Take it; deal with them; live. Take the chance. It might come off.

There is a day in the future which has no tomorrow.'

I heard that when I was watching the bats tonight.


Zz... said...

oh wow...I felt like that message was for me!!! arghhhhhhhhhh.

lol if i wasn't so damn lazy i'd write or email you...

JJ said...

I think it was the two sycamore trees that were talking, not the bats. I think I'm the maddest person I know.

'I talk to the trees, but they don't listen to me.'

Mine talk back. I listen.

Zz... said...

i wish my signal was that clear! I get messages but sometimes I'm not sure if they are of a divine source or whether they are just what my head wants to think! :P

JJ said...

How about the middle way? Your higher consciousness, which I happen to believe is in touch with sources the lower consciousness isn't.

Back to the trees, though. I swear all that stuff on Beltane Eve came from them. They seemed to have such power, and even sentience, that night.