I’m coming around to the view that when we’ve had our
careers, established our partnerships, raised our families, made our friends,
played our games, created our works, taken our travels and acquired our
possessions, we have to realise that none of these things are ends in
themselves. They are merely the media through which we build the only two
pillars of life: the one built of experience, and the other built on truths.
Experience is cumulative; truths are mutable.
Experience grows; no experience is ever changed or lost.
Truths, on the other hand, are in a constant state of flux. New ones get added,
whilst old ones are modified, strengthened, weakened, or lost altogether as
experience and instinct dictate. And it seems to me that instinct is the vital
conduit through which the two pillars communicate.
If there is a purpose to life, this has to be it. Doesn’t it?
I know nothing.
P! (that's a thumbs up, lol)
Ta. That's a thank you.
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