Thursday, 1 August 2013

An Odd Sight.

Tonight I saw the oddest thing. I saw a red crepuscular cloud with red sunbeams pointing earthwards after sunset.

Impossible, you say. Well, what appeared to be happening was this:

Immediately above the cloud was a thin strip of shining vapour which was gleaming gold with unusual intensity. Maybe it was composed of ice crystals, because it had the appearance of glass fibre about it. I assume the light from the sun below the horizon was reflecting off the bottom of it and passing through the lower cloud, thus producing the effect.

Whatever was causing it, it looked seriously weird.


A Heron's View said...

Sounds like you have dosed on magic mushrooms, the experience is very similar.

JJ said...

So THAT'S the explanation! Somebody told me they were truffles and good for my fallen arches.

Thank you. Have a Murphy's on me.