Sunday, 11 August 2013

A Personal Road Post.

I was just about to post a song and video from YouTube, but realised in time that there wouldn’t be any point.

The reason I was going to post it was because it still manages to bring a lump to my throat, even though I must have watched it dozens of times. And, of course, the reason it does so is because it happens to touch a nerve that’s prominent at this point on my personal road. There’s no reason to suppose it might do the same for anybody else.

In the final analysis, we’re all alone on our personal roads, a fact that’s easily masked when we surround ourselves with family, friends and fellow club members. I don’t do that any more. In fact, I never really did except in a superficial sense. Does that make me right? Of course not; it’s simply appropriate to where I’m at. And this is a rare example of when the first person pronoun has nothing to do with ego. It’s simply recognising the illusion of separateness.

My ego is well-entrenched, however, and won’t be denied for long. I expect I’ll be back later when it’s playing the role of sad drunk, as dear Z of Sydney NSW would have me nominated. She’s not entirely right, actually. Most of the time I’m quite a cheerful drunk. Alcoholic intoxication does, after all, bring about a shift in consciousness, and the place to which it shifts you all depends on where you’re at on your personal road.

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