Saturday, 17 August 2013

Incarceration and Approaching Fallout.

Being in prison can be a physical reality, a state of mind, or a combination of the two. In any event, there are those who can stomach it, those who are unmoved by it, those who welcome it, and those who are driven to despair by it.

On an unrelated note – and it really is unrelated, believe it or not – seeing these octogenarian ex-celebrities being sent to prison for decades-old sexual offences has led me to wonder about something. Do prisoners who are over the state retirement age have to work while they’re inside, as younger prisoners do?

*  *  *

So then I look around the world as reported in the media. Everywhere (even here) I see killings, atrocities, and abuses of just about everything capable of being abused. In short, I see the depths to which the human animal so easily allows itself to fall. And that’s when I’m reminded of the famous last line from the film On the Beach:

‘God, God forgive us, Peter. I’m ready for that cup of tea now.’

Those familiar with the film might understand why I’m so reminded.

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