Wednesday, 6 July 2011

The Wind Knows.

The wind blew strong and steady through this evening’s twilight. It had that driving, restless intensity that some winds possess, forcing the heavy sky northward with what seemed improper haste. The total absence of people and traffic encouraged a curious melancholy for once, instead of the usual sense of peace. It’s odd how sometimes you can be alone and feel content, while at others you feel simply alone.

I lost a precious illusion today, which is undoubtedly a good thing. So, ever onwards like the wind. I suppose the wind provides one of life’s more telling metaphors. Whichever direction it takes, it’s always moving forward.


Maria Sondule said...

You're right, it is weird how we feel alone or really alone. I've never thought of it like that.
What was the illusion?

JJ said...

The illusion was that life was going to be less grey for a while. A personal thing. No matter.