Saturday, 30 July 2011

Trying to Get it Right.

How far do you go in being frank with somebody? I suppose it depends on:

a) What you hope it will achieve, which accords with the Buddhist principle of ‘useful truth.’

b) How thick skinned you believe the person to be, which means relying on your judgement of an individual’s nature.

This is something I’ve found myself having to do a lot lately and it bothers me a bit. For a start, the very concept has an air of the patronising about it. It isn’t, of course, it’s something we all have to do occasionally and I just happen to have found myself in that situation several times of late. It’s simply a matter of responding authentically. What bothers me more is that I’m not perfect and I might be getting it wrong. If I am, I could be doing damage. I don’t want to do damage.

Maybe I'm just taking the whole thing too seriously.


Zz... said...

Some people are thin skinned and do not like the truth. Some people do. You have to gauge it like that. Is it worth getting what you like (The truth and being truthful) over what that person likes? What are the risks and a CBA, lol...

JJ said...

I prefer the Buddhist approach. You Christians are too self-centred.