Monday, 18 July 2011


Have you ever had that experience where you wake up in the morning feeling exhausted? You know it's been caused by a dream you had, a dream so full of power, or excitement, or menace, or whatever, that it's set the adrenalin flowing big time. And yet you can't remember anything at all about it. But then you also realise that your feelings about something or someone have become stronger or better clarified than they were the night before, and that there is a way around a problem you thought insoluble.

So is this an example of the well known capability of sleep to unravel tricky problems, or did the dream have something to do with it? I want to remember the dream, but I suppose it doesn't matter as long as the message has been received.


Ron Cockface said...

The dream was mental defecation which emptied the shit out of your head,

Dr Willy McWilly said...

I disagree.