Friday 25 March 2011

Being Really Interesting.

Too tired for any more posting today. I’ve had two consecutive short nights, one because I had to get up early to do something, and this morning because I woke up early and couldn’t get back to sleep. I suppose it set the tone for the day, really. And tomorrow I have to get up early again because I’m off to take some legal advice over the house business.

Early night in the offing.

And here’s a bit of mind-blowing intelligence. I forgot to get my yoghurt at the supermarket this week, so I intend to remedy the matter when I go to town tomorrow. Problem is, I’ve realised that the parking fee is more than the cost of the yoghurt. Isn’t that interesting...?


Maria Sondule said...

Hmm. Perhaps you should get as much yogurt as you can, that way it will cost more than the fee so you won't feel as if you're wasting a trip, and you won't have to go back for more yogurt in a long time. :)

JJ said...

But the yoghurt has a 'use by' date. It's Greek.