Wednesday 9 March 2011

Fairy Music.

Certain pieces of music have a strange power over me. They suck me into another world and close off the portal until they’ve finished. I’m locked in there unless I can find the strength to click the ‘off’ switch, which I rarely do because I like it in there. My feet tap, my fingers rap out the rhythm, and sometimes I’m even moved enough to jump around the room like a mad thing. And my head is full of pictures – usually with a leaning to the surreal.

Some famous composer once said that pictures meant nothing to him unless they suggested music. The converse is true for me – which is why I could never get on with Mozart, as much as I respect his genius. But give me the Christy Moore classic Dance to the Reel in the Flickering Light... Even the title of his album Smoke and Strong Whiskey is enough. A world to my liking.

The women in my life often thought me a bit odd, but the dogs loved me.


A Girl said...

Just downloaded this after reading this post and it cheered me up no end. Although I can't help feeling it would sound better on a record player than it does on the ubiquitous sound-waves of itunes...

JJ said...

Jessica! Where did you spring from? I kept checking your blog for months and you'd gone AWOL. I see you're posting again now. Good to see you.

I haven't caught up with itunes yet. I'm usually about ten years behind technology.

Anthropomorphica said...

Beethoven and Bjork do that for me, among others.
Hope your dance moves are surreal too ;)

JJ said...

If you can call a cross between Madness and Saturday Night Fever surreal, I suppose so.

A Girl said...

I unfortunately am very high tech, though every fibre of my being yearns for a time when we listened to records on gramaphones and there were no mobiles and tvs etc. Was born too late..

JJ said...

Seems to me that the system makes it very difficult not to keep abreast of the latest technology, although I know a few people who manage to keep it at arm's length. One of my objections is to the money it forces us to spend, and that's why I tend to lag behind for as long as I can. That and the fact that I don't want to become too reliant on stuff that might fall apart if the balloon goes up.