Tuesday 1 March 2011

Two Literary Asides.

Mists of Avalon has reached what I think is probably a pivotal point. Morgaine’s true spirit is in the ascendant again. She’s rediscovering herself; she’s even having sex with her stepson, primarily to honour and re-establish her connection with the Goddess, of course. She’s nothing if not devout! (Although, let’s be honest, she fancies him rotten as well.) I sense that she’s about to wreak havoc in Camelot and bring about the dissolution of the known world in the process. Time will tell.

I find it interesting that Morgaine is probably the closest I’ve come to finding the woman I’ve been seeking all my life, although I really don’t know what I would have done with her had she entered my orbit for real. She unnerves every bit as much as she fascinates and charms. Maybe that’s her secret, and mine. And maybe it’s fortunate for me that she’s only a character in a novel.

And speaking of novels, the anxious, angry, alienated and generally depressed mental state I’ve been in for a while has provided the perfect opportunity to do a major edit on mine. I’m surprisingly pleased with it. It needs a bit of tweaking here and there, but it isn’t at all badly written, and it even covers some bits of ground similar to Mists.

I’ve found a UK agent that invites submission of the first three chapters with a month turn round time, so I’ll be sending something in their direction soon. It isn’t that I want to become a known author or anything, it’s just that the story offers an alternative approach to reality and spirituality that I think a few people might want to read. It would seem a shame if they didn’t get the chance.


andrea kiss said...

Best of luck with the agent!

I hope you get published... i want to read your novel!

JJ said...

People like you are welcome to have the ms as an e-mail attachment any time, Andrea. It wouldn't be the same though, would it? Being published grants a perceived guarantee that it's of a sufficient standard to warrant the investment of time and effort necessary to read it.

Della said...

All the best on your submission to the agent, Jeff. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. I don't think all writers want fame and fortune (not that I'd mind a little bit of fortune :) – often we just want to share our stories and ideas because we think they're worth sharing.

JJ said...

This has raised an interesting question in my mind, Della. I feel a post coming on.

Jfromtheblock said...

congrats Jeff :) I wish my story would come along too. You've reached one of my favourite parts of the book. Especially the upcoming bits

Anthropomorphica said...

That's exciting Jeff, send it in and the very best of luck, another string to bow!

JJ said...

If it helps, Jen, I didn't write that novel for publication. I wrote it because I was invited to take a journey; the novel is just the journal from the trip. So if nobody ever wants to read it, I won't complain. Pity, though, because I think it turned out well. In fact, I never wrote any of the stories for publication. I just typed up what was there and people can like it or not as they choose.

What fascinates me even now, Mel (even though I 'wrote' it,) is the balance between the three main characters. Just as it does with your fabulous Stolen Ones.