Tuesday 22 March 2011

Fine Worts. Fine Cabbage.

Quoting the words of sages, poets, authors, even celebrities, is much in vogue in the blogosphere. Many of them are fine words indeed. Impressive stuff - good advice, some of it, on how to approach life and deal with the challenges it throws at you. And yet I wonder just how much notice any of us really take of those words when the crap comes a-flying. Not much at all, I suspect.

One of my favourite quotations is this one from Shayna’s blog:

"My dress is old but at night the moon is kind; then I wear a beautiful moon colored dress.”
- Native American Indian Child

This doesn’t come from some person of great gravitas advising us on how to approach the meaning of life, the universe and everything, nor even how to survive in a cruel world. This comes from a child creating her own reality, before some dumb grown up comes along and tells her that magic is only for maniacs. I’m with the kid – 100%.


Della said...

Such lovely words. Whenever I read them on Shayna's blog, I smile.

JJ said...

Out of the mouths of babes, Della.

Anthropomorphica said...

I love that one too, Shayna always finds such lovely words.

JJ said...

I wonder what she's doing now. She hasn't blogged for ages, although she has visited mine a couple of times.