Tuesday 8 March 2011

Worst Post Ever.

Somebody told me today that I’m ‘intellectually sexy with a hint of naughtiness.’ Gosh. I wonder if you can get frontal lobe enlargement pills.

It must surely be more than mere coincidence that willy rhymes with filly, silly, hilly and Philly. You must admit, those Ordnance Survey triangulation points on top of hills do bear a passing resemblance to nipples standing firm and erect in the wild frenzy of sexual abandon. Or so I seem to recall. (I wonder if I should try writing romantic fiction.)

My search for a toasting fork goes on. What’s the point of having a coal fire if you can’t toast bread on it?

People whose Tumblrs I read have started adding moving pictures. Don’t you realise this is eating up my bandwidth? I have to visit you after midnight now. You know who you are!

I was thinking of favourite lines from movies today. So far I have:

‘That’s the sanity clause.’
‘Aw, come on! Dere ain’t no Sanity Claus.’

‘If that plane leaves and you’re not on it, you’ll be sorry. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but some day and for the rest of your life.’
‘Oh, Rick!’

‘He says he wants toast.’
‘Shut up, Toast.’

‘They say: “Good morning, Gerald. How are you today?” And I say “I’m completely mad today, thank you.” “Not much change there, then, is there Gerald?” “No. Well, you’d have to be mad to expect any, wouldn’t you?” I’m Mad Gerald. Mad, mad, mad...’

I’m bored, restless and feeling uninspired tonight. Does it show? Time to exercise my liver.


Maria Sondule said...

I know the first quote!! One of my favorite movies, by the way. Although one can only watch it once in so many months, because otherwise the jokes wear thin.

JJ said...

Oh, c'mon. You must know Casablanca.

'We'll always have Paris.'

Anthropomorphica said...

Well MJ, you are having fun.
Ta daa, here's something for your tasty bit of crumpet http://www.henandhammock.co.uk/products/product_detail.asp?133,0,9,0,20
Got Casablanca and Black Adder (of course)

JJ said...

I have a sneaking suspicion about Casablanca (my sneaking suspicions are as ubiquitous as Baldrick's cunning plans.) Does the final scene mean that Rick was gay all along?

I do hope this link isn't naughty.

JJ said...

Thank you, Mel, but twenty one f****** pounds!!!

I'll keep on trying the charity shops!

Anthropomorphica said...

Yes, but it's a very pretty one, as far as toasting forks go ;)

JJ said...

Cheap and ugly are my middle names, Mel.