Wednesday 9 June 2010

Advance Notice.

Just a little heads up. Since poor old Mr Grimshaw is sailing along like the proverbial lead balloon (but with thanks to dear Della, who not only thought it mildly worth reading but actually bothered to say so! What a snotty little monstink I am tonight. ‘Monstink’ was my mother’s favourite word for me when I was being objectionable as a kid. Good word, eh – monstink? I got called it a lot,) I’ve decided to post the next one earlier. It’s going to be Glenda.

Apologies to those couple or so people who’ve already read it, but it is a favourite story – and it’s a later one, as promised. I have to format it yet and I’m likely to be busy tomorrow and Thursday, but it should be up by the weekend.

Another reason for posting it early is that I intend to put another one up on 26th in recognition of the Mad Hatter’s Tea Party celebration. That one’s a bit weird.

Do forgive my late night attempt at petulance. Blame William Grant and Sons of Dufftown.

And hello to Sweden, my latest flag. I knew a Swedish man once, called Stephan Marling. He was short, dark haired and spoke terribly good English. Doesn’t quite fit the picture, does it? Nice bloke, though, and the girls loved him. I didn’t. I’m sure he was responsible for Sheona McCormack giving me the push. I got over it and forgave him.

This is getting silly. Go away.


Anonymous said...

Good morning Jeff. I'm having a hard time keeping up with your posts these days – maybe it's the weather which has only just turned here. I do look forward to reading Glenda, though I might be a little late checking in. Re. your other posts, I share your horror of what seems to be the impending economic apocalypse (esp. for my kids) and reports of European leaders warning how difficult it will get for everyone but themselves, which makes me wonder why I'm not out there trying to secure my future instead of fiddling away the hours talking about nature, art and the soul (not to mention the frivolous Mad Tea party – which by the way, I look forward to seeing your "weird" interpretation of). Re. The Challenge, all six seem both plausible and unlikely, but I'll wager that #1 is wholly true (why? because it's the shortest and the partly-true business you outline confuses me). Will check back to see what I win. Ha.

JJ said...

Greetings, dear Della. Now I feel guilty. Who the hell needs to 'keep up' with my blogs? But, thank you - very much.

I'm not quite sure what one does to 'secure' a future in this situation.

Sneak preview: number 1 isn't wholly true. I only made two appearances.