Monday 14 June 2010

Being Pragmatic.

I think of this as classic Liverpool humour.

An elderly lady was standing naked in front of the floor-length mirror in her bedroom. Her equally elderly husband was sitting in bed, eating a jam butty. She sighed and said

‘Look at me. Hair falling out, bags under my eyes, loose flesh around my face, sagging breasts, a spare tyre around my waist, thighs riddled with cellulite, varicose veins, flat feet...’

She looked wistfully at her husband.

‘Can you think of anything at all good to say about me?’

Her husband looked up from the Daily Star and eyed her pale form.

‘Er... yeah,’ he said.


‘There’s nutt’n wrong with yer eyesight.’

And before anybody accuses me of being cruel, let me just say that I avoid my bathroom mirror when I’m preparing to take a bath. On the odd occasion that it’s unavoidable, I know just how she feels.


Maria Sondule said...

Haha, that's so mean!
I'd say all that is much better than getting plastic surgery to look like you're young though. People who try too hard to look younger freak me out. (cough cough, Dolly Parton?)

JJ said...

You're absolutely right, Maria. Beauty comes from within. I find it weird how people spend all that money trying to defy nature, and usually end up looking like animated corpses. Grey is Good! (cough, cough, trying to make myself feel better.)

Anthropomorphica said...

Who said romance is dead ;)

JJ said...

Certainly not me, Mel. Vive la Difference! (le?)