Thursday 10 June 2010

Well, What D'ya Know?

The government announced one of its cost-cutting-to-save-the-economy measures today. A plan to extend the provision of free school meals to children from poorer families is being scrapped.

What was I saying about the poor being the first against the wall?

Mr Cameron says we’re ‘all in it together.’ I’m waiting to see what measures they take to place our esteemed Members of Parliament on the breadline.


Della Marinis said...

Not only the poor, but children. Well, their complaints won't be heard. Isn't that the definition of bullying?

lucy said...

I agree with Della. The poor children, and the families too! They need the school meals as much as anyone else, perhaps even more. this is not acceptable! Are you going to do anything about it? I mean, lobby Mr Cameron? Here in Australia, some people do that when they don't like/disagree with what their MP is doing.

Ruthie Redden said...

Why does this not suprise me!! having been for many years a single mom of 3, i know how hard times can be and it makes me so angry to hear this. hmm im off for a rant!

JJ said...

Morning ladies. Thanks for the comments. This reminds of two things. Firstly, the time when Mrs Thatcher famously ended the free school milk programme, en route to creating the yuppy culture of the 80's/90's. Secondly, the time when Tony Blair's government told everybody that they must accept pay rises below the 3% inflation rate, 'for the good of the country' - and then voted themsleves a 54% pay increase! They got away with it, of course.

I gather a lot of outrage has been expressed from supposedly influential quarters, Lucy. It would take a rebellion amongst coalition MPs to stop this, and that isn't likely to happen.