Monday, 4 March 2013

The Perils of Home Cooking.

I feel a little ill tonight. I seem to have developed an adverse reaction to my home made soup.

How does one possibly develop an adverse reaction to home made soup? Home made soup is not only the real article, it’s also very cheap. This is unfair.


Anonymous said...

Maybe it was something else you ate, and only chose to make you feel ill after the soup, the sneaky devil. Feel better.

Thank you for the comment on my story. I appreciate that you soldiered through and actually enjoyed it.

JJ said...

'Fraid not; it's happened the last three times. It brings the onset of some of the old fatigue symptoms. I wonder whether it's the rice, which I boil down to thicken the soup, and which I hardly ever eat otherwise. Or maybe it's the white bread rolls I have with it. It's the only time I eat white bread. All seems a bit feeble, though.

I didn't have to 'soldier through.' It kept me engrossed. There were some touching moments in it, some acute bits of awareness and observation, and I was glad you exercised restraint and didn't take it where you obviously COULD have taken it. The characters were my kind of characters and the story was my kind of story. The only thing that bothered me was that Beorn (being a bear, you understand) had skills and virtues way beyond my reach. Apart from that, it was easy and enjoyable.

Anonymous said...

I would be willing to put money on the white bread, honestly. Or it could be the rice, I suppose, if you don't soak it before boiling it.

Wow, okay. Thank you. One of the many reasons I didn't take the story to where I could have is because Tolkien never would have. I also think people are too quick to expose their characters' more intimate moments, and that really cheapens things. At least, in my opinion.

And hey, you've got to take up your issues regarding Beorn with his creator, hah!

JJ said...

I agree about the intimate moments cheapening things. There are some things that just have to be private to the characters. That's their right (in my opinion.) Annie found a different way over the issue in my novel, but she was a goddess...

Anonymous said...

Their right, indeed. Hmm, perhaps I'll have to read your novel one of these days.

JJ said...

I have this notion that when you write a story, you create a form of reality, and the characters are part of that process. So if the characters are real - albeit in a subtle way - why shouldn't they have rights?

Best wait until I'm dead before reading the novel, then you won't feel obliged to avoid telling me what you think.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you 100%, actually.

If I wait until you're dead, I may be waiting a while. I've never been the most patient of people.

JJ said...

Would you like me to hurry?

Anonymous said...

Goodness, no. That's not what's happened to you, is it?

JJ said...

You wouldn't get a doctor to sign his name to a certificate, but in all other respects...