Wednesday 9 February 2011

Year of the White Rabbit.

Two little notes from today:

First, it was heartening to be given proof positive that the axe-wielding David Cameron meant what he said when he uttered the immortal words ‘We’re all in this together.’ It was reported today that the Chief Executive of the Royal Bank of Scotland has agreed to have his salary pegged at its 2008 level. It means the poor chap has to struggle through yet another year on a mere £1.2m, bless him.

Second, we have a series on Brit TV called The Joys of Teen Sex. I’ve never seen it, but I gather it’s meant to be serious. The TV listings said that tonight’s episode is about a girl who thinks she might be allergic to sperm. I deleted my comment in deference to those of a delicate constitution.

This is real fall-off-the-chair-in-fits-of-laughing stuff. Twice in one day! And it occurs to me that we used to think of Orwell’s Nineteen Eighty Four as the great prophetic masterpiece. Maybe we should revise that notion and go for Alice in Wonderland instead.

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