Sunday 13 February 2011


It’s 2.35 and I’m restless. Restless, restless, restless. I see iced gateaux and imaginary invitations in the mists. Time for bed, I suppose.


Kathy said...

I just stumbled across your blog from Roisin's Child of Danu'. Love your writing style and wit. Thanks for the morning smiles. - Kathy

JJ said...

Thank you, Kathy. I appreciate that. Sometimes, though, the jokes get missed, especially when I'm mad (that is, nuts.)

andrea kiss said...

Mr. Beazley, you need a cat. And this cat needs a human. If i were in the UK i'd go get him. :o)

JJ said...

No cat for me, Andrea. Cats and I don't really get on. they can be very beautiful, but our natures don't mix.

andrea kiss said...

I know you care a lot for birds. Do you have a dog? I don't think i've ever read a post in which you've mentioned a dog, but i notice you are with one in your profile pic.

Want to know something strange? When i typed do you have a dog for some reason i typed god instead of dog. Hmmmm...

JJ said...

No dog either, I'm afraid. Don't really need one. The local dogs mostly come and greet me when I go for a walk. It's cheaper to get my dog fix that way. I get on very well with dogs.

The dog in the pic is Penny. She died, but she had a good long life.

andrea kiss said...

I'm sorry to hear about your dog. But i'm glad to hear of her good, long life.

JJ said...

It's a few years ago now, Andrea. She has her very own grave with lots of other dogs in a quiet part of Shropshire. Regarding the earlier comment, my name up until age 8 was Godwin, so my nickname was God. Fancy that.