Thursday 3 February 2011

Current State14

One word:


One thought:

Why have attractive faces started to look more attractive? Why have questionable faces started to look less questionable? Why have babies started to look cute? Surely, I haven’t started to like people. This worries me.


Katney said...

test comment

Maria Sondule said...

Haha don't worry, if you have a natural dislike of people it'll come running back to you before long. ;)
I find that a person becomes more attractive the more I look at them. However, if I dislike someone a lot (and I rarely do) then when I look at them I will only notice their uglier features. Then I will smirk to myself and eventually feel ashamed.

JJ said...

Actually, I don't have a natural dislike of people. I'm just very discerning - and generally prefer dogs.

Maria Sondule said...

That made me smile. :)