Friday 4 February 2011

Current State15

One word:


One thought:

If it be a nat’ral thing, where do it come from? Where do it go?
- from ‘The Ghost Train’ (a delightful old British film which includes uber-prude Kathleen Harrison getting drunk and saying ‘knobs’ a lot. My kind of humour.)


Maria Sondule said...

There aren't a low of newer British films shown in the U.S. It's a shame really, because the accent makes me laugh. (in a good way, not as making fun of it.) Old films aren't really my thing, so I don't watch British movies in general. :(

JJ said...

British accents are funny, are they? Mm... Even when they're not meant to be?

Carmen said...

okay so I am reading your posts backwards, because thats just how I scroll. Maybe there is a way to take advantage of this dormant state in a passive way...although you do sound sort of content...

JJ said...

Incurable Romantics are never content, Carms. As soon as we feel content (which I have done once or twice - briefly,) we know there's something missing!