Sunday 13 February 2011


I’ve now had three tracks become unavailable on my playlist because the copyright owners have taken them off YouTube. The latest casualty is Avalon, which is ironic since I’m currently getting deep into The Mists of Avalon and becoming attuned to the Avalon mindset.

The point is, however, that I don’t like this one little bit. For as much as the free marketeers would have me thrown into a pit and stoned to death, I still feel that there’s something insanely wrong about denying people access to music because they’re not paying for it. Music should be above that sort of impoverished mentality. Music resides on a higher plane than commerce.


Anonymous said...

Musicians need to make a living, you stupid git. Would you rather we had to live in poverty like Mozart? If you want free music, play it yourself.

JJ said...

I think the musicians we're talking about make rather more than 'a living,' Anon, and so do the thousands of men-in-suits who are only there to make money. I'm sure there's a decent middle way between poverty and obscene wealth. I remember Chrissy Hinde back in the eighties coming out in favour of allowing pirating because she was one musician who saw through the greedy narrow mindedness of the free market mentality.

I write fiction, and I'm happy for it to be published by non-paying markets because I like it to be available to anybody who wants to read it, whether they have money or not. If that makes me a 'stupid git,' fine. It is true that I don't have a swimming pool or a flashy car.

Anthropomorphica said...

Funny how folk hide behind anonymity when they hurl insults around. Art for arts sake I say, no one owes any one a living. Do what you love, because you love it and not for a big fat cheque. Good for Chrissie!!

JJ said...

We have the same device on our surcoats, don't we Mel?

Anthropomorphica said...

What's a surcoat?

JJ said...

Oh, Melanie! It's that long frock that knights used to wear over their armour, and on which their badge of allegiance was emblazoned.

Anthropomorphica said...

AHAAAAA, yes we do indeed!!! Well and truly reprimanded ;)

JJ said...

Reprimand? Never. You might send the gang to get me. BTW, who's Iris?

Anthropomorphica said...

Iris, my tiny horned stolen one, she of the vile temper ;)

JJ said...

Sorry Mel, I found that out in the interim when I read your blog again. Hadn't picked up the name for some reason.