Friday 9 July 2010

Thank you, Ms Marinis.

I have a sort of selective word blindness that blocks certain words. I get over it by training myself to associate a certain image with the concept I have in mind. Hence, if I want to recall the word ‘articulate’ I think of articulated lorries. If I want to use ‘hypocrisy’ or ‘hypocritical’ I think of doctors. That recalls the Hippocratic oath and leads me to ‘hypocrisy.’

I have the same problem with the name Walter de la Mare. I have a favourite anthology of short stories written by him and I often want to recommend it to people. I can’t because I can never remember his name. For some reason it popped into my head today, and I decided to apply the same method while it was there in front of me.

It was the ‘de la’ that stood out, and I thought of Della. So that’s it then. Della it is. You have become my latest associative image, Della. Thank You. I’ll bet you can’t contain your excitement.

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